Mont Salève

As some of you might know from my instagram account, I have just returned from an amazing trip to Geneva! The ‘featured’ image here is of me admiring the alps after climbing Mont Saleve in France.


The mountain is 1379m high and it is possible to hike up in a couple of hours. In fact, you can easily take a bus, such as the number 8, from the centre of Geneva and arrive at the bottom of the mountain in about 15 minutes. I hiked the mountain with my friend Shannon, and as it was a Sunday, all of the supermarkets were shut.

As water is a must when hiking in hot weather, it was fortunately possible to buy water in a shop at the bottom of Mont Salève. The shop accepts most currencies. The hike up the mountain is clearly signed and along the way, there are many incredible views and interesting paths to follow!


About halfway up, there is an incredibly beautiful village with a small church that you can visit.

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