Mont Tremblant

A short way away from Montreal is the national park of Mont Tremblant. Set in the Southern Laurentians, it is the second largest national park in Quebec as well as the oldest.

Typical of me, I managed to fall in a muddy puddle a short way into the trail and therefore had to walk barefoot for the majority of the hike! (luckily the trail was under 10 miles). Unfortunately this resulted in a lot of passersby laughing and my aunt pretending not to know me! Here’s one of the most unflattering pictures ever taken of me…


I went swimming in Lake Munroe and got to hold a baby frog! I have to also say at this point that the baby frog was completely unharmed and happily swam away afterwards!

Pictured below:


Throughout the trail, there were a lot of places to sit and watch the streams and small rivers. They are formed from melted snow from mountains higher up and so are incredibly cold!!


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