Top 8 Canadian Foods

Although I missed marmite when I went traveling in Canada (who wouldn’t?!), I discovered a whole new range of things that were simply delicious 1) Reese’s Pieces I just can’t seem to stop eating these. Now available in little packs in supermarkets like Waitrose and Sainsbury’s, they are just amazing! 2) Tim Horton doughnuts Tidbits … More Top 8 Canadian Foods


Having started out life as a Roman city named Lutetia, I am super excited to be moving to Paris in September 2015. WATCH THIS SPACE!!!


Home to one of the most famous universities in the world, the city is just an hour away from central London.

Hyde Park

With more than enough activities to while away the afternoon, Hyde Park is the perfect place to spend a sunny afternoon (or even day) away from the busy bustle of central London.

Natural History Museum

Quite apart from the wide range of permanent exhibits the galleries have to offer, there are always numerous temporary exhibitions on offer throughout the year. Exhibits visited: Wildlife Photographer of the Year Sensational Butterflies Opening hours; The museum is free entry. Most temporary exhibitions cost Although advertised as being closest to the South Kensington Tube … More Natural History Museum