Piccadilly Circus

Over 72 million people visit Piccadilly circus each and every year; just proving that this iconic site is not to be missed on any trip to London. It is also the location of a giant advertising board where Coca-Cola has been advertising since 1995! The origin for the name ‘Piccadilly’ is incredibly interesting; the ‘piccadil’ … More Piccadilly Circus


Home to the ‘language of love’, France is the most visited place in the world. Internationally renowned for its culture, food and wine, there’s no surprise that 83 million tourists visited in 2012. Pictured below is the ‘Gorge de Galamus’.


Very close to Fortnum and Mason’s, the flagship Waterstones store is enormous. It’s no secret that I absolutely love books and there is every possibility that I could spend days exploring this store! My kindle might possibly be my best friend! According to the Waterstones’ Website, every single one of their stores is specifically tailored to … More Waterstones


Although not the largest city in Devon,  it is still the capital. Known as Isca during Roman times, it was an important fortified town. Today it has a population of over 120, 000 people.

Mont Tremblant

A short way away from Montreal is the national park of Mont Tremblant. Set in the Southern Laurentians, it is the second largest national park in Quebec as well as the oldest. Typical of me, I managed to fall in a muddy puddle a short way into the trail and therefore had to walk barefoot … More Mont Tremblant


So here it is; my first blog post! For the moment, my blog is going to be mainly about travel and the various attractions I enjoy visiting both at home in England and abroad. I’ve decided to start this blog because I love travelling (but doesn’t everyone?!), and more importantly, I love sharing my adventures … More Travel