Piccadilly Circus

Over 72 million people visit Piccadilly circus each and every year; just proving that this iconic site is not to be missed on any trip to London. It is also the location of a giant advertising board where Coca-Cola has been advertising since 1995! The origin for the name ‘Piccadilly’ is incredibly interesting; the ‘piccadil’ … More Piccadilly Circus


Very close to Fortnum and Mason’s, the flagship Waterstones store is enormous. It’s no secret that I absolutely love books and there is every possibility that I could spend days exploring this store! My kindle might possibly be my best friend! According to the Waterstones’ Website, every single one of their stores is specifically tailored to … More Waterstones

Moreish Deli Café

It is here that I experienced my first ever ‘barraquito’ and still is the only place in London where I can find one. A really sweet coffee, it also has lemon in it. Although I haven’t tried any, the café also sells delicatessen produce and cakes and sandwiches. All hot drinks are between £2- £4.


Just a short walk away from the museums on Museum row is the world famous Harrods department store. The store was opened in 1834 by a 25 year old entrepreneur and comprises of a million square feet of floor space! The Harrods motto is ‘OMNIA OMNIBUS UBIQUE’, meaning ‘everything for everyone everywhere’ and there are … More Harrods


So here it is; my first blog post! For the moment, my blog is going to be mainly about travel and the various attractions I enjoy visiting both at home in England and abroad. I’ve decided to start this blog because I love travelling (but doesn’t everyone?!), and more importantly, I love sharing my adventures … More Travel